Hi friends! Welcome to my series of short stories about sun, swim, shore, fitness, beauty, and Sun Patrol Swimwear. I wanted to give you all a glimpse into my world of how I started Sun Patrol Swimwear, what my goals are with it, and share little tidbits along the way.
I hope these short stories will provide you with some useful knowledge and entertainment, as I share my personal experiences and the challenges I face on my journey to building Sun Patrol Swimwear into a brand I hope to one day be known all over the world. Thank you for reading.
When I was about 9 years old, I started drawing designs on pieces of paper, and with my little fake phone in hand, pretended I was doing “business”. In my early 20’s I started really thinking about it. In my late 20’s I had a clear vision of what I wanted to do and started talking about it. At 33 years old, I came up with a name, bought the domain, and had a plan.
During Covid in 2020 while I was furloughed from my job, I made that plan come to life. Researching, creating my designs, sourcing, etc. And in May of 2021, I quit my very lucrative day job and decided to fully invest my time and energy into @sunpatrolswimwear. After about a year of working on it, I very nervously hit the live button on the website and my dream was alive, no going back from here. 👙👙
I know have such a long way to go, and an incredibly daunting journey ahead as I strive to constantly perfect my products and services. I haven’t even begun to achieve everything I want yet; my dreams are bigger than you can imagine, but I know that with hard work, consistency, and effort they will come to life. I know it will take me doing things that are challenging, uncomfortable, and out of my range of knowledge or experience.
Along with my desire to create an incredible brand, I also have a burning desire to personally learn, grow and evolve, in order to become the best I can be, and the best at what I do. So with open arms and a pounding heart, I welcome every challenge that comes with getting anything that is worth having!
If you can’t stop thinking about something, it’s probably worth going after, and along the way you might surprise yourself. I am a firm believer anything you put your mind and heart into and are willing to work hard for will happen. Believe it, and then work for it. 👊🏻